
A search page is available by default at the /search/ URL, which can be customized in the file in your project. To enable a search bar in the navigation bar, check Settings > CRX Settings > Search box. Search results are paginated; to specify the number of results per page, edit the value in Settings > CRX Settings > Search Settings.

Search result formatting

Each search result is rendered using the template at coderedcms/pages/search_result.html. The template can be overridden per model with the search_template attribute.

Search result filtering

To enable additional filtering by page type, add search_filterable = True to the page model. The search_name and search_name_plural fields are then used to display the labels for these filters (defaults to verbose_name and verbose_name_plural if not specified). For example, to enable search filtering by Blog or by Products in addition to All Results:

class BlogPage(CoderedArticlePage):
    search_filterable = True
    search_name = 'Blog Post'
    search_name_plural = 'Blog'

class Product(CoderedWebPage):
    search_filterable = True
    search_name = 'Product'
    search_name_plural = 'Products'

Would enable the following filter options on the search page: All Results, Blog, Products.

Search fields

Deprecated since version 0.25: The following behavior and the search_db_* options were removed in 0.25. Use the Wagtail search parameters instead.

If using the backend (removed in Wagtail 3.0), only page Title and Search Description fields are searched upon. This is due to a limitation in the DatabaseSearch backend; other backends such as PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch will search on additional specific fields such as body, article captions, etc. To enable more specific searching while still using the database backend, the specific models can be flagged for inclusion in search by setting search_db_include = True on the page model. Note that this must be set on every type of page model you wish to include in search. When setting this flag, search is performed independently on each page type, and the results are combined. So you may want to also specify search_db_boost (int) to control the order in which the pages are searched. Pages with a higher search_db_boost are searched first, and results are shown higher in the list. For example:

class Article(CoderedArticlePage):
    search_db_include = True
    search_db_boost = 10

class WebPage(CoderedWebPage):
    search_db_include = True
    search_db_boost = 9

class FormPage(CoderedFormPage):

In this example, Article search results will be shown before WebPage results when using the DatabaseSearch backend. FormPage results will not be shown at all, due to the absence search_db_include. If no models have search_db_include = True, All CoderedPages will be searched by title and description. When using any search backend other than database, search_db_* variables are ignored.