Button Block

The button block renders an HTML anchor styled as a button. This can be used to link to pages, documents, or external links.


default button styles

default button styles

Note this screen shot was taken using the default bootstrap colors. If you use a theme or change global colors with sass, they will likely be different colors.

Field Reference

Fields and purposes:

  • Page link - Reference a page within the CMS.

  • Document link If a Page is not selected, reference a Document within the CMS

  • Other link - If a Page or Document is not selected, the value of this field will be used as-is. If a Page is selected, then the value of this field will be appended to the Page URL. This is useful for linking to fragments or element IDs. For example: Page /about/ with Other link #team would then link to /about/#team.

  • Button Title - The text to show on the button. You can insert simple HTML here as well, such as Learn <b>More</b>.

  • Button Style - The appearance of the button. This is a choice loaded from CRX_FRONTEND_BTN_STYLE_CHOICES Django setting and is inserted as a CSS class in the HTML.

  • Button Size - The size of button. This is a choice loaded from CRX_FRONTEND_BTN_SIZE_CHOICES Django setting and is inserted as a CSS class in the HTML.