Form Pages

Create a form that can be used to collect information from your users.


First start by creating a “Form” (may be named differently on your specific website). Add content to this page as you would for a normal Web Page.

Content Tab

  • Form Fields: The data you want to collect on the form. You can add as many fields as required ranging from all form input types like text, files, radio buttons, etc.

Form Settings

  • Thank You Page: The page you want to redirect the user to after they successfully submit a form.

  • Button Text: The text you want on the form submit button

  • Button Style: The style you want on the form submit button.

  • Button Size: The size you want the form submit button.

  • Button CSS Class: Additional CSS classes you want to add to the button.

  • Form CSS Class: Additional CSS classes you want to add to the form.

  • Form ID: The HTML ID you want your Form to have.

Form Submissions

  • Save Form Submissions: Toggles whether the form submissions are saved to your website’s database.

  • Email Form Submissions to: The email address you want the info you collect from your form to be sent to.

  • Reply-to Address: The reply-to address you want the email to contain.

  • Subject: The subject you want the email to use.

Confirmation Emails

Click the “Add Confirmation Emails” button to add additional emails you want to send out when a form is submitted.

You can reference your form fields in the Confirmation Email’s fields using Django bracket notation. For example, for the To Addresses: you could reference your form field Email by using {{email}}.

The Django variable tags are generated automatically from the form fields that you create and are in lowercase letters, with any spaces indicated by an underscore. If you had a form field with the label “Number of Cupcakes,” the Django tag would be number_of_cupcakes which you would place in curly brackets when referencing it in the Confirmation Email fields.

In the Body of the email, you can use HTML to design it as you like. Reference the form fields with Django tags to personalize it. See an example below:

Our confirmation email setup

Our confirmation email is referencing the form fields that we created on a Custom Cupcake Order page. Review the full page to identify the references.

Settings Tab

  • Form go live date/time: The optional date/time the form will start appearing on the page.

  • Form expiry date/time: The optional date/time the form will stop appearing on the page.

  • Spam Protection: When toggled on, this will engage spam protection techniques to attempt to reduce spam form submissions.