Event Pages

Create a calendar or list of events. Visitors can download ical invitations to their own calendars for each event, recurring events, or all events.


First start by creating an “Event Landing Page” and then add any number of “Event Page”s as children of the “Event Landing Page”. Each child page here represents an individual event. Events can be one time, or recurring, similar to Outlook or other calendar software. Add content to these pages as you would for a normal “Web Page”.

Event Landing Page

Layout Tab

  • Show list of child pages: Check this box to show a list of all events.

  • Calendar style: There are several options here. Choose one that fits your needs.

Event Page

Content Tab

  • Calendar Color: The color that the event will have on the calendar.

  • Address: The address for the event, if applicable.

  • Occurrences: This lets you add the date and time information for your event. Click the + icon to add a new date and time rule.


The event functionality is built-in to Wagtail CRX but it is not enabled by default.

There are two abstract pages available when dealing with events. The first CoderedEventPage holds the information regarding an event. Dates, location, etc. all will fall under this page. The CoderedEventIndexPage will aggregate its children CoderedEventPage and display them in a calendar or list.

To implement, add the following to your website/models.py:

from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
from coderedcms.models import (

class EventPage(CoderedEventPage):
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'Event Page'

    parent_page_types = ['website.EventIndexPage']
    subpage_types = []
    template = 'coderedcms/pages/event_page.html'

class EventIndexPage(CoderedEventIndexPage):
    Shows a list of event sub-pages.
    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'Events Landing Page'

    index_query_pagemodel = 'website.EventPage'

    # Only allow EventPages beneath this page.
    subpage_types = ['website.EventPage']

    template = 'coderedcms/pages/event_index_page.html'

class EventOccurrence(CoderedEventOccurrence):
    event = ParentalKey(EventPage, related_name='occurrences')

Next run python manage.py makemigrations website and python manage.py migrate to create the new pages in your project.

Now when going to the wagtail admin, you can create an Event Landing Page, and child Event Pages.

Added in version 0.22: All dates and times inputted via the Wagtail Admin, and rendered on the calendar and throughout the site, will be converted to TIME_ZONE from your Django settings. It is highly recommended to set TIME_ZONE and USE_TZ = True in your Django settings for the Event pages to function correctly.

For example, if TIME_ZONE is set to America/New_York, then entering an event for 2021-12-31 09:00 in the Wagtail admin will be saved as 9am New York time. It will also be displayed on the website as 9am New York time.

If you then changed TIME_ZONE to America/Chicago, the event time will automatically be displayed as 8am Chicago time.