Install Wagtail SEO

Install from pip:

$ pip install wagtail-seo

Next, add to your INSTALLED_APPS in the Django settings file. Wagtail SEO also requires the Wagtail Site Settings app and context processor.



        "OPTIONS": {
            "context_processors": [

Add the SeoMixin to your Page model(s). In order for the new fields to show up in the page editor, you may also want to override the promote panels.

from wagtailseo.models import SeoMixin

class MyPage(SeoMixin, Page):

    promote_panels = SeoMixin.seo_panels

Wagtail SEO also supports special types for article-style pages (news, blog posts, etc.), and controls for Twitter card previews. Article-style pages should be indicated as such:

from wagtailseo.models import SeoMixin, SeoType, TwitterCard

class ArticlePage(SeoMixin, Page):

    # Indicate this is article-style content.
    seo_content_type = SeoType.ARTICLE

    # Change the Twitter card style.
    seo_twitter_card = TwitterCard.LARGE

    promote_panels = SeoMixin.seo_panels

The SeoMixin adds many new fields to the page. So now make and apply a migration:

$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate

Finally, in your HTML template, add the metadata to the head tag and structured data at the bottom of the body tag. The metadata template includes everything such as title, canonical URL, Open Graph tags, various meta tags, and a link to an AMP version of the page (if applicable).

  {% include "wagtailseo/meta.html" %}

  {% include "wagtailseo/struct_data.html" %}

Additionally, in the template used by the root pages of each of your sites, add the structured org data at the bottom of the body tag. This will enable search engines to have access to all the necessary information about your organization.

  {% include "wagtailseo/struct_data.html" %}
  {% include "wagtailseo/struct_org_data.html" %}

All done. Your page will now render with just about every form of metadata a search engine or social media site could ask for!

Next we will look at editing SEO metadata →