Release Notes


  • Support Wagtail 6 and Django 5.1


  • Support Wagtail 5 and Django 4.2.

  • Remove django-redis compatibility backend. Django 4.0+ has a native redis backend.


  • Support Wagtail 4 and Django 4.1.


  • Fix Django deprecation warnings.

  • Previously, the feature to strip cookies was not triggered if the Vary header contained something other than “Cookie”, e.g. Vary: Language, Cookie. This change properly inspects and rebuilds the Vary header in such cases.


This release massively improves caching for sites which employ trackers such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, HubSpot, etc.

  • Add setting to strip cookies from requests and remove Vary: Cookie headers (except for Django session and CSRF token) to maximize caching opportunities. This is ON by default! See WAGTAIL_CACHE_IGNORE_COOKIES.


  • Includes everything from 1.1.0 released in tandem.

  • Includes new SVG icon in settings panel. Previously this icon was either the cog, or the lighthing bolt if wagtailfontawesome was installed.

  • Supports Wagtail 3 and only Wagtail 3. Wagtail 2 support will be maintained in the 1.x series as needed.


  • Previously, the feature to strip cookies was not triggered if the Vary header contained something other than “Cookie”, e.g. Vary: Language, Cookie. This change properly inspects and rebuilds the Vary header in such cases.


This release massively improves caching for sites which employ trackers such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, HubSpot, etc.

  • Add setting to strip cookies from requests and remove Vary: Cookie headers (except for Django session and CSRF token) to maximize caching opportunities. This is ON by default! See WAGTAIL_CACHE_IGNORE_COOKIES.


New features

  • Show list of all URLs cached in the Wagtail Admin.

  • Support purging individual URLs (via regular expressions) from the cache. See Purge specific URLs.

  • Ignore tracking querystring parameters by default. This means that pages with unique tracking parameters will still be cached and/or served from the cache regardless of those parameters. This should massively improve performance on sites with heavy marketing activity, but can potentially introduce breakage if you have server-side logic that uses tracking codes via the querystring.

    The list of querystrings to ignore can be customized, or the feature can be completely disabled. See Django setting WAGTAIL_CACHE_IGNORE_QS.

Bug fixes

  • Previously, request with methods except GET and HEAD were never cached, even if you override the caching decision with is_request_cacheable hooks. These requests are still not cached by default, but can be cached if you override the caching decision. Please use caution when overriding caching decisions using these hooks.


  • Add support for Django 4.

  • Supports Wagtail 2 only.

  • New shiny documentation based on the Wagtail Sphinx theme.


  • Fix typo in Wagtail Cache settings page.

  • Updated unit tests for Wagtail 2.12.

  • Apply black formatting to codebase.


Wagtail Cache may not work correctly with wagtail.core.middleware.SiteMiddleware or wagtail.contrib.legacy.sitemiddleware.SiteMiddleware on Wagtail 2.9 and newer. Follow these instructions to replace SiteMiddleware.


  • Support Django installations where AuthenticationMiddleware is not enabled. In this situation, it will behave the same as if no user is logged in.

  • Packaging and documentation cleanup.


There are no functionality changes for this release. However at this point the package is mature and well tested enough to designate a 1.0 version.

  • Support Django 3.0.

  • Add unit tests, type hints, and continuous integration.

As a result of the unit tests, a few minor changes have been implemented under the hood:

  • Refactored wagtailcache.settings.wagtailcache_settings to be an object, similar to Django settings, rather than a dictionary.

  • Add wagtailcache.cache.Status and wagtailcache.cache.CacheControl enums to replace hard-coded string values.

  • Always set a “Cache-Control” header when skipping the cache to signal the caching decision to upstream caches.


  • Add new management command clear_wagtail_cache to clear cache.

  • Minor code cleanup.


  • Ignore Vary: Cookie header when caching 301, 302, 304, and 404 response codes. Always served cached responses regardless of cookies.


  • Added new middleware. This is now the recommended way of using Wagtail Cache. See Installation.

  • The middleware will additionally cache 404 and 301/302 responses, to lighten the load on your database.

  • The middleware will intelligently handle CSRF tokens and only cache those responses based on the cookie. So the new middleware should completely eliminate any CSRF token issues while also being able to cache those pages.

  • The middleware now processes all cacheable requests/responses, not just wagtail pages. To revert to previous behavior, continue using the decorator.


  • Added new is_response_cacheable hook. See Wagtail Hooks.

  • Never cache responses with a Cache-Control header containing no-cache or private.

  • New WagtailCacheMixin to support Page models with privacy or view restrictions. See Installation.

  • Documentation updates and clarification.


  • Add support for django-redis cache backend. See Supported Cache Backends.

  • Add in templatetags directory.

  • is_request_cacheable hook now passes the previous caching decision in as an argument. See Wagtail Hooks.

  • Documentation updates.


  • Fixed packaging issue that resulted in HTML templates missing from 0.2.0 pip package.



  • Initial release