Wagtail Hooks


Returning True from any of the wagtail hooks below can be very dangerous, as it will completely override the relatively safe and predictable default behavior. Returning True could for example cause POST requests, or requests from logged in users, to be cached and served publicly.

Be sure to read the docs below carefully before implementing these hooks.


The callable passed into this hook should take an HttpRequest and a bool argument, and returns a bool indicating whether or not the response to this request should be cached (served from the cache if it is already cached, or added to the cache if it is not already cached). Not returning, or returning anything other than a bool will not affect the caching decision. The bool passed in represents the current caching decision. So if there were multiple is_request_cacheable hooks called, each one would receive the result of the previous. Use this variable as you see fit to help with your own logic.

For example:

from wagtail import hooks

def nocache_in_query(request, curr_cache_decision):
    # if the querystring contains a "nocache" key, return False to
    # forcibly not cache. Otherwise, do not return to let wagtail-cache
    # decide how to cache.
    if "nocache" in request.GET:
        return False


The callable passed into this hook should take an HttpResponse and a bool argument, and returns a bool indicating whether or not this response should be cached (added to the cache if it is not already cached). Not returning, or returning anything other than a bool will not affect the caching decision. The bool passed in represents the current caching decision. So if there were multiple is_response_cacheable hooks called, each one would receive the result of the previous. Use this variable as you see fit to help with your own logic.

For example:

from wagtail import hooks

def nocache_secrets(response, curr_cache_decision):
    # if the response contains a custom header, return False to
    # forcibly not cache. Otherwise, do not return to let wagtail-cache
    # decide how to cache.
    if response.has_header("X-My-Header"):
        if response["X-My-Header"] == "secret":
            return False

Notes about the request/response cycle

During a request/response cycle, wagtail-cache makes its caching decision as so:

  1. If the request is not a preview, does not have a logged in user, and is GET or HEAD, then try to cache.

  2. Run is_request_cacheable hooks, and continue only if the result is True.

  3. Strip querystrings from the request URL which match WAGTAIL_CACHE_IGNORE_QS.

  4. If the request is already in the cache, serve directly from the cache.

  5. If the request is not in the cache, then run the view. The original request, including all querystrings, is passed to the view.

  6. Check if the view’s response contains a Cache-Control header containing private or no-cache.

  7. Run is_response_cacheable hooks, and continue only if the result is True.

  8. Save the response into the cache for next time.

  9. Finally, return the response.