Hero Block

A banner block with an image and some text, if desired.

Field Reference

Fields and purposes:

  • Full Width - If selected, sets whether the hero spans the entire width of the screen

  • Parallax Effect - If selected, background images scroll slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth.

  • Background Image - Image chooser for the background image

  • Tile Background - If selected, background image will be repeated in a tile pattern

  • Background Color - Sets a background color to display with hexadecimal, RGBA, or CSS color notation (e.g. #ff0011)

  • Text Color - Sets the color of the text for the entire hero block

  • Content - Additional layout options such as a Responsive Grid Row, Card Grid, or HTML


If you want to use a hero block in place of the title/cover image on the web page, click on the LAYOUT tab in the editor and under Visual Design, choose the “Web page without title and cover image” template.

In the Advanced Settings you can add CSS classes. In our hero below, we added the Bootstrap class py-5 to give the hero image more padding and show more of the image. We also selected the focal point in the Image Editor.

Hero block published on the page

Our published hero block with padding