Installation ============ Basic Installation ------------------ #. Make a directory (folder) for your project. #. Create a virtual environment. **Windows (PowerShell):** .. code-block:: ps1con PS> python -m venv .\venv\ PS> .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 **macOS, Linux:** .. code-block:: console $ python -m venv ./venv/ $ source ./venv/bin/activate You can name your virtual environment anything you like. It is just for your use on your computer. Learn more about virtual environments by visiting the `Python documentation on virtual environments here `_. .. note:: You will need to be in the directory (folder) of your Wagtail project and have your virtual environment activated to install dependencies and run your site. #. Run ``pip install coderedcms`` #. Run ``coderedcms start mysite --sitename "My Company Inc." --domain`` .. note:: ``--sitename`` and ``--domain`` are optional to pre-populate settings of your website. #. Enter the ``mysite`` project with ``cd mysite/``. #. Run ``python migrate`` to create the core models. #. Run ``python createsuperuser`` to create the initial admin user. #. Run ``python runserver`` to launch the development server, and go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser, or http://localhost:8000/admin/ to log in with your admin account. ✨🎉 You now have Wagtail CRX up and running! 🎉✨ Follow the tutorial to build: :doc:`tutorial01`. You can also play around with our tutorial database. Learn more: :ref:`load-data`. Professional Installation (includes Sass/SCSS) ---------------------------------------------- The professional boilerplate includes additional features pre-configured, such as: * Custom Image and Document models * Custom User model (using email address as username) * SCSS compilation (using Python, not Node.js) * Ruff, MyPy, Pytest tooling pre-configured To use the professional boilerplate, add ``--template pro`` to the start command: #. Run ``pip install coderedcms`` #. Run .. code-block:: console $ coderedcms start mysite --template pro --sitename "My Company Inc." --domain .. note:: ``--sitename`` and ``--domain`` are optional to pre-populate settings of your website. #. Enter the ``mysite`` project with ``cd mysite/``. #. Install the development tooling with: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt #. Run ``python migrate`` to create the core models. #. Run ``python createsuperuser`` to create the initial admin user. #. Compile the scss code into CSS: .. code-block:: console $ python sass website/static/website/src/custom.scss website/static/website/css/custom.css .. note:: To build the Sass automatically whenever you change a file, add the ``--watch`` option and run it in a separate terminal. For more options, see `django-sass `_. #. Run ``python runserver`` to launch the development server, and go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser, or http://localhost:8000/admin/ to log in with your admin account. When working with Sass, you will want to look at the base.html file provided at: ``mysite/website/templates/coderedcms/pages/base.html`` to load in any custom CSS or JavaScript as needed. .. _load-data: Adding Our Tutorial Database ---------------------------- You can follow along with our tutorial and upload your own pictures and content; however, we have included our database data from our tutorial project so you can take a tour inside of the project and play around with it. The database is located in ``website > fixtures > database.json``. Follow these steps to upload it: 1. Navigate to the tutorial project in the Command Line by going to ``coderedcms > tutorial > mysite``. 2. In a fresh virtual environment, type ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` to set up the requirements for the project. 3. Set up your database like usual. If you want to use a database other than the default ``sqlite3``, you will need to set it up first. It will be an empty database for now. 4. Do the initial migration for the tutorial site with ``python migrate``. 5. Navigate to the ``database.json`` file in the Fixtures folder and copy the path to the file. 6. From the Command Line, type ``python loaddata "path/to/database.json"``, replacing that last part with the correct path to the file. 7. Check to see if it worked by running ``python runserver``. You should now see our tutorial project with all of the content we have added to the site. It's ready for you to play around with it! Starter Templates ----------------- You can start a new Wagtail CRX project with a custom template directory available on or at a URL using the ``--template`` option. Additionally, we provide some built-in templates: +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Template | Description | +============+=================================================================+ | ``basic`` | The default starter project. The simplest option, good for most | | | sites. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``pro`` | Custom Image, Document, User models. Extra tooling to support | | | SCSS to CSS compilation. Developer tooling such as ruff, mypy, | | | and pytest. | +------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ .. versionchanged:: 3.0 The "pro" template was added in version 3.0. Previously it was named "sass" and had fewer features.